Facebook Mastery 2023 Course
Disclaimer: Results may be variable differ for every user under this course information .
So use this information at your own responsibility.
This is the study and research of author at view of facts appeared while studying this amazing social network platform.
You can also study at your point of view and can explore as you can.
So the biggest challenge in the world of internet marketing is advertising and the most challenging part is; to whom we may advertise?
Where to advertise?
What should your advertising strategy be?
✓ Stay with your current customers
✓ Determine potential customers
✓ Boost your page posts
✓ Analyze your conversion
Shocking Facts
✓ Facebook has 2.85 Billion monthly active users, an increase of 13% year over year. (Source)
✓ A user spends 20+ minutes a day on Facebook. (Source)
✓ 6% of all digital time is spent on Facebook each day. (Source)
✓ Approximately 83.1% of Facebook's daily active users are outside the US and Canada. (Source)
✓ Facebook has 1.25 billion mobile users, (an increase of 24 percent year over year) and 798 million mobile daily active users (a 31 percent increase year over year). This means about 65 percent of Facebook’s members use the service daily, and 64 percent of its mobile members use it daily. (Source)
✓ 4.5 billion Likes are generated daily, meaning there are 3.1 million likes every minute. (Source)
✓ Last year the amount of video from people and brands in Facebook's News feed increased 3.6X year-over-year. (Source)
✓ Now With 2 Million Advertisers, Facebook Is Gaining a Foothold With Small Businesses. (Source)
✓ Facebook represents 10% of all digital ad revenue. (Source)
✓ 86% of posts are published during the work week with engagement peaking on Thursday and Friday. (Source)
✓ 1 PM is the best posting time to get maximum share and 3 PM is ideal for get more likes. (Source)
✓ Brands posted 20,000 more videos on Facebook than they did on YouTube in December 2014. (Source)
✓ Facebook is receiving ¼ of all display revenue. (Source)
✓ 70% of marketers used Facebook to gain new customers. (Source)
Facebook is getting 37% of display ads on mobile. (Source)
✓ Promote product development and innovation
✓ Generate awareness
✓ Drive preference and differentiation
✓ Increase traffic and sales
✓ Easy customer support
✓ Build loyalty and deepen relationships
✓ Amplify recommendation and word of mouth
✓ Gain insights
✓ Low-cost marketing strategy
✓ Targeted advertisement
Automation Tools
1. HootSuite
2. SocialOomph
3. SocialAdsTool
4. Qwaya
5. AdEspresso
6. Simply Measured
7. Edgerank Checker
8. Socialmotus
9. Agora Pulse
10. Crowdbooster
How your business can get the most out of Facebook.
✓ Facebook Pages
✓ Facebook Groups
✓ Facebook Apps
✓ Facebook Events
✓ Facebook Ads
✓ Facebook Audiences
✓ Facebook Pixels
The 10 do’s.
1. Follow the 80/20 rule for posts
2. Revert your customers as soon as possible
3. Establish your fan following organically
4. Update once or twice each day
5. Ask questions and use engaging content
6. Provide a giveaway
7. Request for feedback
8. Take advantage of visual content
9. Show your personality
10. Use checklists
The 10 don’ts.
1. Don’t disregard your audience
2. Don’t buy likes
3. Don't write fake comments
4. Don't try to sell
5. Don't write long posts
6. Don't automate everything
7. Don't target everyone
8. Don't forget to include a call to action
9. Don't create only one campaign
10. Don't send mass messages
The Top 10 Facebook Automation Tools.
1. HootSuite
2. SocialOomph
3. SocialAdsTool
4. Qwaya
5. AdEspresso
6. Simply Measured
7. Edgerank Checker
8. Socialmotus
9. Agora Pulse
10. Crowdbooster
Shocking Facebook Marketing Case Studies.
1. Hyundai
2. Toyota
3. SAP
4. Domino’s Pizza
5. Salesforce
6. Friso Mexico
7. HubSpot
8. State Bicycle Co.
9. Castle Auto Group
10. Banvitburada.com
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Training Guide
Training Guide
Chapter I: What is Facebook all about?
Chapter II: Why you should definitely use Facebook for your business today.
Chapter III: How your business can get the most out of Facebook.
Facebook Pages
Facebook Groups
Facebook Apps
Facebook Events
Facebook Ads
Facebook Audiences
Facebook Pixels
Chapter IV: Top 10 Facebook Automation Tools.
Chapter V: The 10 do’s you have to apply
Chapter VI: The 10 don’ts you have to avoid
Chapter VII: Shocking Facebook Marketing Case Studies
Chapter VIII: How to make tons of money with Facebook as an affiliate.
Top Facebook Marketing Resources
Limited Special Offer (for the next 7 days only)
Welcome to the latest and very easy to apply Facebook Marketing Training, designed to take you by the hand and walk you through the process of getting the most out of Facebook.
I’m so excited to have you here, and I know this will be very helpful for you.
This exclusive training will take you by the hand and show you step-by-step, topic by topic, and tool by tool, what you really need to know in order to dominate Facebook Marketing the easiest way possible, using the most effective tools and in the shortest time ever.
This is exactly what you are going to learn:
In Chapter I, you will learn what Facebook is all about. We will give you the easiest definition for it, as well as cover very important factors so you can have a simple, but accurate and complete understanding of Facebook Marketing before you start working on it.
In Chapter II, you will learn why you should definitely use Facebook for your Business today. You will learn about some of its amazing benefits, as well as several shocking facts that will make you decide to start getting into it right away.
In Chapter III, you will learn how your business can get the most out of Facebook. We will cover topics like: Facebook Pages, Facebook Groups, Facebook Apps, Facebook Events, Facebook Ads, Facebook Audiences, and Facebook Pixels.
In Chapter IV, you will learn the Top 10 Facebook Automation Tools that you can use to get the most out of Facebook. These are several websites dedicated to giving you highly important services so you can set up and monitor some very successful campaigns.
In Chapter V, you will learn the 10 do’s you have to apply for Successful Facebook Marketing Campaigns. These are specific things you should remember to use or practice, so you can succeed.
In Chapter VI, you will learn the 10 don’ts you have to avoid for Successful Facebook Marketing Campaigns. If you ignore these, be prepared to be disappointed.
In Chapter VII, you will get the chance to look at several shocking Facebook Marketing Case Studies. These are actual examples we have taken from the internet to show you how Facebook Marketing actually works for other businesses so that you can have complete confidence in your ability to achieve your own business success story.
In Chapter VIII, you will learn how to make tons of money with Facebook as an affiliate. Strategies that you can apply and definitely see great results. These strategies have been used by experienced online marketers obtaining awesome results.
Well, it’s time to dominate Facebook Marketing, fellows. I know you will love this training.
To Your Success,
Your Name
Hurry Up Buy Now
Chapter I: What is Facebook all about?
* Definition:
Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg and launched in 2004. Now, it is among the top social networking sites.
“Facebook.com is the largest and most favored social media platform around the world for personal and business use with more than 1.49 billion users.
Facebook allows you to connect, communicate and educate your prospected audience in an individualized way which is not possible with websites and blogs.”
Facebook is still growing rapidly, so businesses and marketers like to add Facebook into their advertising strategies to target customers and promote their brands.
Most marketers are involved with Facebook and 83% of them says that Facebook is really crucial for businesses.
Big brands are also using Facebook to promote their products and services and engage with their customers. Facebook can be a game changer that can turn your business into existing and active.
If you have a fan following on Facebook, advertising can assist you to easily be found, promote your offers, boost sales, improve your audience’s perception, formulate, build long lasting one-to-one customer relationships and brand awareness.
When Facebook users like, comment, or share your business page posts, these posts are also displayed on that particular user’s friend’s newsfeed which expands your brand's reach.
There is no need to understand every characteristic of Facebook to apply it to your advertising strategy. Take advantage of Facebook ads, sponsored stories and newsfeed updates to advertise your business and get traffic to your website, as well as your Facebook page.
* How to get started with Facebook Advertisement:
Facebook allows multiple methods of advertising which can assist you in adequately engaging with your potential customers. To begin with Facebook advertising, you need to register on Facebook with you ID and other details.
Starting with basic information and completing your profile are the basic tasks. To make your profile appearance better, you can add detailed information about yourself. Take advantage of Facebook advertising to promote your business.
You can market your brand without any cost using Facebook Pages, create relevant business pages and offer complete information related to your business.
It can expand your reach and improve your SEO search rankings. Use unique, informative and sharable content to get more traffic.
Maintain the consistency of your Facebook posts, use the right information, join groups, put comments, add images, and be yourself when you post on your Facebook Timeline and page to get better results from your Facebook page.
Going through Facebook paid advertisements, you can use Facebook ads to promote your page, a post or any specific product. These ads can be page post ads, sponsored stories, right column ads, and promoted posts.
You need to define the objective of your advertising, create an ad campaign according to your goals, design multiple Facebook ads for a campaign with individual images, and set a suitable budget to run your campaign.
When it comes to targeting, you need to search for your prospective audience according to demographics, interests, geography, and spend to get those customers who are interested in your products.
* What should your advertising strategy be?
Facebook will assist you to achieve business goals, whether you are advertising your brand, broadening your business to new countries or want to engage with more potential audience.
Before advertising on Facebook, you need to know your objective for using Facebook to analyze your accomplishment. After getting the answers to your questions, you are ready to draft a specific Facebook Advertising campaign to get the best outcome. Follow this strategy to keep your customers with you –
* Stay with your current customers: It is more simple to hold your existing customers instead of gaining new customers, because they are more likely to purchase from you. With Facebook advertising business pages, you can always be in contact with your audience.
* Determine potential customers: People usually like to search the internet and social media to help make a decision for a purchase. Users usually tend to find more information about the products they are looking for. You can figure out those potential customers who are curiously checking for a product and services. You can list your business on Facebook and local directories to get great results.
* Boost your page posts: To increase fans following on Facebook business pages and drive more customers to your business, “Boosting a post” can assist you in expanding your audience reach. You can limit “Boost post” reach to get prospective audiences by customizing the location, interest, or age group.
* Analyze your conversion: Conversion tracking permits you to determine those audiences who clicked on a Facebook Ad and get redirected to your website. You can also put conversion tracking pixels on your payment, registration, add to cart and other webpages to know your customer’s interests in your products.
* Which type of content can you promote with Facebook?
Look for great advertising results and sales with Facebook, then include it in your marketing strategies to obtain more customers. Advertisements and sponsored stories help a lot in the promotion of any business products.
To generate brand awareness among your customers, you can promote post, visual content, web content, sales offer, event, fan page, applications, and games with Facebook.
Boost your engagement with your audience by adverting visual material, questions posts, sponsored stories and offers by displaying them in the newsfeed, ads, logout page, and search bar.
Marketers also take advantage of Facebook advertising to increase their website conversion. Using a link page post ad, domain ad, and domain sponsored story; you can drive your potential audience to your website and boost your brand’s sales. Offering ads and sponsored offers can help to engage new customers.
Check-in sponsored stories will assist you to get in-store visits. Applications ads, sponsored results, apps shared and games played sponsored stories can improve acquisition of your application.
Chapter II: Why you should definitely use
Facebook for your Business today
Facebook has been noticed as the most emerging social media platform which not only connects people, but also provides numerous advantages to boost your business.
Business owners can attract customers and promote their business and services through Facebook.
* Amazing Benefits
Promote product development and innovation
Facebook can be used to promote your new products, ideas and innovations that will help in increasing your business. Facebook provides a platform that allows you to build a new social product experience for your products and innovations that can be accessed from anywhere.
It also helps in crowd sourcing for your next product idea by enlisting your Facebook community. This will help you run a creative campaign to attract traffic. Also, you can recognize and refine your targeted audience with campaign reporting and page insights.
Generate awareness
Once you have created your brand, it is time to promote and create awareness about your product to your targeted customers. You can reach your potential and targeted customers through Facebook ads and sponsored stories.
These can help you earn many benefits because these contain stories of those people who are already connected with your business through Facebook.
This is one of the best methods to engage your potential customers in your business. This will create an awareness about your product and ideas amongst your targeted customers.
Drive preference and differentiation
Facebook helps in driving preferences and differentiating your brand over competitors. When it comes to Facebook, people usually trust the brand which comes as a referral from their friends or relatives. One can drive preferences by communicating through your fans and rewarding them.
You can launch a campaign that will help you in building your brand and to drive preferences and differences. Use social plugins to interact with your customers and engage them with your brand.
You can involve apps on Facebook for increasing the life of your brand.
Increase traffic and sales
The biggest advantage of using Facebook for marketing is that it brings huge traffic to your website. Through Facebook you can attract targeted customers by running various offers, deals or by having a promotional event.
This will deepen the engagement with your customer, which will be very helpful in driving traffic and sales. Facebook helps drive both online and offline traffic to you, which in turn results in increased sales. Traffic coming from Facebook is more likely to increase your sales as compared to average traffic.
Easy customer support
Facebook makes it easier for your business to respond to customer questions easily and quickly. Quick responses to questions help increase customer satisfaction, and that helps develop good customer relationships and increases brand loyalty.
Through Facebook, you can also provide updates to your customers about new products and ideas. Be honest while replying to your customer’s question and don’t keep them in the dark while replying. This will help increase your customer satisfaction level and promote brand loyalty.
Build loyalty and deepen relationships
Facebook not only provides a platform that connects different people together, it also helps build brand loyalty to deepen customer relationships with your business. When people like your page, it indicates that they are interested in your brand or business.
People usually share their information on Facebook which can help you create highly customized and personalized experiences to drive engagement and loyalty from them.
You can indulge Graph API and Social Plugins to make it more personalized and build brand loyalty.
Amplify recommendation and word of mouth
Anything posted on Facebook goes viral very quickly, because it is being shared and viewed by many people. People usually place emphasis on the things which are being shared and posted by their friends. Create new and great content that is shared and keep people’s news feed fresh with your content.
This recommendation and the sharing of your services and products can be beneficial for your business in bringing in traffic. Use Page Insights to determine which parts are engaging your customers and encourage them to share it.
Gain insights
Facebook allows you to create relationships with your customers by observing them and their interests. It is the best place to recognize your targeted customers so that you can engage them directly. You can improve your business by staying aligned to the people you serve.
You can also make use of Campaign Reports for the advertising campaigns of your business and Sponsored stories. While running big campaigns, study the effectiveness of the campaign and how it will attract the targeted audience. Test everything before uploading it to your Facebook account or page.
Low-cost marketing strategy
Facebook marketing is considered THE low-cost marketing strategy. Since marketing is important for running a business, Facebook provides a platform to the business owners to showcase their brand and promote it over Facebook so that their targeted customer is easily reached.
Facebook is a free platform for promoting your business and provides access to millions of targeted customers to convert into potential customers who can affect your business. It helps both small and large businesses grow by promoting their businesses.
Targeted advertisement
Advertising your brand helps bring in targeted traffic to your business. While targeting advertisements over Facebook, one should ensure that the ad posted is attracting the targeted audience. It helps you to approach the right audience that can be converted into potential customers.
While advertising, ensure the location, demographic, interests and purchasing behavior of the people is what you're looking for and advertise to them accordingly.
Stay in touch with your targeted customers because that builds brand loyalty and deepens the relationship. Target advertisements according to your audience and their interests so that they are converted easily.
Facebook marketing provides a social media platform to all types of businesses, small and large to market their brand. Traffic coming through Facebook is more likely to get converted as compared to average traffic.
* Eye Opening Facts:
Facebook has 1.49 Billion monthly active users, an increase of 13% year over year. (Source)
A user spends 20+ minutes a day on Facebook. (Source)
6% of all digital time is spent on Facebook each day. (Source)
Approximately 83.1% of Facebook's daily active users are outside the US and Canada. (Source)
Facebook has 1.25 billion mobile users, (an increase of 24 percent year over year) and 798 million mobile daily active users (a 31 percent increase year over year). This means about 65 percent of Facebook’s members use the service daily, and 64 percent of its mobile members use it daily. (Source)
4.5 billion Likes are generated daily, meaning there are 3.1 million likes every minute. (Source)
Last year the amount of video from people and brands in Facebook's News feed increased 3.6X year-over-year. (Source)
Now With 2 Million Advertisers, Facebook Is Gaining a Foothold With Small Businesses. (Source)
Facebook represents 10% of all digital ad revenue. (Source)
86% of posts are published during the work week with engagement peaking on Thursday and Friday. (Source)
1 PM is the best posting time to get maximum share and 3 PM is ideal for get more likes. (Source)
Brands posted 20,000 more videos on Facebook than they did on YouTube in December 2014. (Source)
Facebook is receiving ¼ of all display revenue. (Source)
70% of marketers used Facebook to gain new customers. (Source)
Facebook is getting 37% of display ads on mobile. (Source)
Chapter III: How your business can get the most out of Facebook.
Facebook has an awesome set of marketing tools that almost no other platform may offer to you. What we are going to show you in chapter is:
* Facebook Pages
* Facebook Groups
* Facebook Apps
* Facebook Events
* Facebook Ads
* Facebook Audiences
* Facebook Pixels
Facebook Pages
A Facebook page refers to a public profile that you create specifically for your business, brand, cause, or any other purpose based on your interests.
Unlike your personal Facebook profile, pages gain fans instead of friends. In this context, a fan on your Facebook page is described as anyone who chooses to like your page.
Here is an exclusive overview of how to create a Facebook page that meets your business interests effectively.
Creating a page
To create a page, start by visiting the pages section on your Facebook profile and click on “Create Page”. Another place to find the page creation interface is by clicking on the little arrow in the top right hand corner.
Choosing a Page Category
You will be required to choose a category for your page. Among the categories currently supported by Facebook include:
* Local business or place.
* Company, organization or institution.
* Brand or product.
* Artist, Band or Public Figure.
* Entertainment.
* And, Cause or Community.
Once you choose your category, you will be required to choose a more specific category from a drop down menu. Being specific allows Facebook to decide which group of the audience to connect with to help you grow a wide fan base at an incredible speed.
For instance, choosing on the “Local Business or Place” category requires you to narrow down by selecting a category among different choices.
Add a Business or Place Name
Add an official name for your Business or Place. Make it official and elaborate to allow your audience to connect with you easily. I recommend that you carefully select your name since it has a huge impact on your ability to make outstanding sales.
Currently, Facebook has a restriction on changing business names. Therefore, make your selection right by keeping in mind that you might never get the opportunity to change it in the future.
Complete location details and contact information
Facebook requires you to add a street address, city/state, zip code, and phone number where applicable. Add your information carefully since your audience will rely on it to either visit your business premises or call to make an order or inquiry.
Once you have filled in the basic information, click on the ‘Get Started’ button to create your page.
Set Up your Page
Set Up your page by adding information about your business or place, profile picture, and preferred page audience.
Add Categories section
Narrow your page down by providing a more specific category in which your business or place belongs to as illustrated in the figure above.
About section
This section allows you to add a few sentences that tells your audience what your page offers. The description (a maximum of 155 characters) allows your page to show up in the right search results.
Even though it is still possible to add more details to your page later from the Page settings, it is recommended that you do it during the setup process.
Choose a unique Facebook web address
The address will make it easier for people to find your Page. Remember that once you set your web address, it can only be changed once.
After creating a web address for your Page, Facebook will require you to choose whether you're a business, establishment, or venue (a real building).
Furthermore, Facebook will require you to agree whether your Page will be the authorized and official representation for your establishment, business, or Venue.
You can save your information once you click ‘Yes’ on both sections. But, you have the option to skip this step and add the information at a later time.
Add a Profile Picture
You can add a profile picture by uploading one from your computer or importing from a website. Make sure your profile picture uniquely matches your business, product, or place.
Add to Favorites
You can choose whether to add your new page to the favorites section of your Facebook profile to easily access it anytime.
Preferred Page Audience
This section allows you to tell Facebook the group of people you wish to target. Even though anyone can find your page, Facebook works effortlessly to ensure your page appears to the people who matter the most.
In setting your preferred page audience, you will be required to add your target locations, age, gender, and interests.
* Locations
In this section, add the countries, states, cities, or ZIP codes where the people you wish to connect with are located. You can choose to either include or exclude certain locations for a more specified audience. Additional metrics for targeting may include showing your page to:
* Everyone in your chosen location.
* People who live in your chosen location.
* People who visited your preferred location recently.
* And People traveling to your chosen location.
Important Note: ZIP and City codes might not be available in all the countries you wish to target.
* Age
The section allows you to select the minimum and maximum age of the audience that is likely to find your page relevant.
* Gender
Choose a specific gender of the people you would like to connect with on your page. You can choose ‘All’ if you have no specific gender to target.
* Interests
In this section, add the interests of the audience you are targeting. Facebook can help you connect with a specific audience by checking on the activities, interests, pages, and other closely related topics that your target audience likes.
Page Overview
Once you add these details, your page set up process is complete. There are various parts of your page that you might need to familiarize yourself with before using your page.
These sections include:
* Page – Everything you need to manage your Facebook page is available on these tabs.
* Like – A button used for your fans to show support for your page. When people visit your page, they can see how many people support you by checking on the number of likes.
* Messages – You can manage messages from your fans in this section.
* Notifications – Activities on your page will appear here.
* Publishing tools – Provides insights on how to reach a wider audience much more easily.
Other sections may include:
* Create Call to Action.
* Timeline.
* About.
* Photos.
* Reviews.
Facebook Groups
A Facebook Group is a platform that makes it easier for a specific set of people, teammates, family members, or even coworkers to connect. These platforms often feature dedicated spaces that allow the connected members to share information, updates, documents, photos or even personalized messages.
To create a group, on your homepage, visit the ‘Groups’ section on the left side of your Facebook profile and click on the ‘Create Group’ link.
A pop – up will appear prompting you to fill in the fields required in creating your group. You will be required to come up with a name for your group, determine the members from your friends list that you wish to add in the group, and determine among three levels of privacy you would prefer for your group.
Group Name
Consider creating a short and memorable name for your Facebook Group. Also, ensure that the name is significant to the purpose of your group and the audience you wish to appeal to. Remember that a Group does not operate like a Facebook Page. While anyone can like a Page, a Group has some privacy controls that can limit who joins the group.
Since a Facebook Group provides a platform for a specific type of audience, it is imperative to add only people that appeal to the purpose of the group. Avoid adding everyone on your friends list if you wish to maintain a definite and discrete conversation within your Group.
Facebook allows you to choose between three privacy options. These include:
* Public – Anyone on Facebook can be able to see the group, its members, and the posts they make.
* Closed – Anyone on Facebook can find the Group, see who is in it, but only the members can see any posts made.
* Secret – Only members of the Group can access it and see posts made.
Choose an Icon
In this section, Facebook requires you to choose an icon for your Facebook Group. Even though this step is not mandatory, it is important to enhance the look of your Group.
Important: Choose an icon that complements the name and objective of your group.
Personalize your Group
Once you have created your Facebook Group, it is time to personalize it and make it more attractive. You can personalize your Group by uploading a photo. Select a photo that closely relates to the identity of your group. This will guide members in determining the main purpose of the Group.
Add Group Information
This section allows you to add a description to your Group. It may also prompt you to add an icon and a cover photo if you did not add one in the earlier stages.
A description of your Group allows you to tell members and any other prospective members about the purpose of your group. Make your description as elaborate as possible to enable your audience to easily understand what you are communicating.
Add to Favorites
Once your Group Information is 100% complete, you can choose to add your Group to the Favorites section of your personal Facebook profile. Adding your Group to the Favorites sections allows you to have easy access to it, without much effort.
See Tips
Facebook has introduced this new section to allow you to check out the basic tips on how to get members in your group involved. By clicking this button, a document titled ‘FACEBOOK: Tips for Group Admins’ will open. The document includes videos, texts, and pictures on what to do. Some of the tips that you'll need to engage your audience include:
* Tell your audience the reason you created your Group.
* Highlight some of the text, pictures, or videos you wish to post regularly.
* Always take the time to welcome new members.
* Let members know that they can invite their friends to your Group.
* Allow the Group adequate time to develop and get going.
* Take the time to read comments made by members and leave relevant comments where possible.
* Look for interesting content to post.
* Ask your members questions on what they wish to see covered in the Group.
* Tag people in your posts to attract their attention and encourage conversations.
* Check in with your group at least once per week.
Group Dashboard
The Dashboard section of your Facebook Group consists of various sections. These include:
* ‘Join’ – Allows new members to join your group. If your group’s privacy is set to ‘Public’, new members will be automatically added to your list of members. However, if the Privacy is set to ‘Closed’, you can choose whether to approve new member requests or allow other group members to approve too.
* ‘Share’ – Allows you and other group members to share the group on your platform or other Facebook channels to encourage more members to join.
* Add people – This section allows you to add new members by searching their Facebook usernames in the search section.
* Manage Group – Allows you to respond to pending posts, member requests or any other request notifications from your Group members.
* Send Message – You can send a message to your Group members.
* Create Event – Facebook now allows you to create and even promote a real event from your Facebook Group. It is so easy! Just click on ‘Create Event’ and Facebook will guide you through the process.
* Edit Group Settings – You can edit different settings such as the Group Name, Icon, Privacy, Membership approvals, web and email addresses, description, tags, posting permissions, and posting approval.
* Discussion – The main section of the Group where posts made by you and your members appear. In the discussion section, you can write a post, add a photo/ video, ask a question or even add a file.
* Members – Check the members in your group from this section.
* Events – The past and future events appear here. If you have not created an event, Facebook will prompt you to create one.
* Photos – Any photos posted on the Group Wall will appear in this section.
Files – Files posted on your wall are stored here.
Facebook Apps
What are Facebook Apps?
Facebook has for a very long time been an effective weapon for most marketers. This social media platform has evolved incredibly and now presents marketers and business owners with a convenient canvas to reveal their success stories. All these capabilities have been made possible partly due to the power of Facebook Apps.
Facebook Apps give your online visitors a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in your business and imagine the experience they will have with you, even before they arrive.
They can be described as tools that are developed to enhance the experience of the Facebook user. Business managers can add the apps that interest them from the App Center into their Facebook profile.
Apps are created by third-party developers who follow the standard policies outlined on the Facebook platform. However, the information found in the apps is stored on servers not hosted by Facebook.
All the App developers are responsible for their App servers and Facebook never removes information from them.
Important: You will always be required to give an App permission to use your Facebook profile information before you can start using it.
Which are the most useful Facebook Apps for Marketers and Businesses?
Below is a description of the top Facebook apps on the market that you could use to take your Facebook business page to the next level.
Ripe social
This app suite offers business managers 10 apps that can be useful in:
* Increasing brand awareness.
* Promoting client interaction.
* Driving website traffic.
* Cultivating repeat business.
* Generating sales leads.
* And Igniting viral marketing.
Heyo has an easy-to-use editor and exciting templates that allow you to use promotions, contests, and exclusive deals to drive traffic, leads, and sales. Business managers can also create a custom campaign from scratch using the drag and drop widgets. All these capabilities of the app are possible without using any code. With this app, a business manager has complete control over their level of creativity. The app works great with mobile.
Agora Pulse
This app can manage your Facebook business page along with other social sites. It has excellent performance and is integrated with analytics and reports. It is also the best app to use where competitive analysis is involved.
Cision is a merge between North Social and Vocus.
It is one of the most robust management platforms for PR and social business issues.
Users have access to over 19 Facebook applications they can use to create wonderful pages and exciting fan experiences.
The apps can increase engagement and promote your business brand.
This app provides the business user with all the tools they need to learn about, grow, engage, and even ultimately convert social audiences into paying customers.
The app can also be useful in turning good customers into great ones.
Business managers can use the app to create high – impact experiences that can leverage your fans.
Furthermore, the app can help you capture emails, interests, likes, and demographics.
Tabfusion allows businesses to create a customized Tab with any content. They have numerous apps that can be used to customize photos, blogs, and videos useful in enhancing your business.
Social Apps HQ
Social Apps HQ is used by some of the giant businesses such as PayPal, AARP, and BBB. The app has the ability to integrate with your Facebook Page as well as your website, and offers a number of analytic tools that could be useful in tracking your performance. Currently, Social Apps HQ offers business managers about 26 apps that are multilingual and easy to set up.
Ecwid is one of the leading shopping cart apps that has the ability to integrate with your Facebook page. In fact, Ecwid is the #1 e-commerce app with over 40,000 stores. The app can also be mirrored on your other business sites at the same time. Ecwid is easy to use and can allow you to add an online store freely in a minimum of five minutes. The app can also allow you to sell everywhere simultaneously on websites, social sites, mobile phones and other marketplaces such as Yahoo, Google Shopping, and Shopping.com.
HootSuite makes it easier for business managers to post and schedule Facebook updates, monitor feeds, add images, and deal with other app related activities. Business management teams can manage complex campaigns involving Events, Pages, and Groups. You can also count on the app for tips on social media strategy and advice on how to enhance user engagement using your Facebook business page.
The ShortStack app has many features that can help you make good use of your Facebook pages. Some of the features include contests, data collection, polls, and analytics. Through the app, business managers can engage with customers, collect leads, increase revenue, or even build personalized campaigns. At times, business managers can let the app handle all these duties without their input.
How to Install a Facebook App
Understand the app
Before installing a Facebook app, it is imperative to understand how it works. Learn about the app and what it is capable of doing to your Facebook business page. If it is a timeline app, make sure you see a few examples of the activities it will share on Facebook. Timeline apps have the ability to publish content on your behalf. They could post your past and even future business activities.
Control who can see your app activity
Use the inline audience selector to choose the audience that can see your app activity on Facebook. This audience selector only controls who can see the app activity that is shared on the Facebook platform. To control whatever people see off Facebook, it is advisable to check the settings of the app and its operational policies.
Choose what information apps can access
Apps will ask you for permission to use some of the information on your Facebook profile. When installing an app, you decide what information your app can access. You can remove these permissions by clicking the (x) in the dialogue box that comes up during the installation process.
Some apps install easily from the external website while others can be installed right within Facebook. Apps from external websites can provide information on how to install easily. After searching for the app on Facebook, you can click on ‘Install App’ and later choose the page you wish to add the app to. After accepting the information your app can have access to, you will find the app listed on your chosen page.
Facebook Events
A Facebook event can be defined as a calendar based resource that you can use to notify your friends or the public about an upcoming event.
They can be created by anyone so long as you have a Facebook account. After creating, you can invite your friends or the fans of your page.
Creating an event using Facebook is the easiest way to publicize your event. If you are working in a specific company and you need many people to come to your event, then with Facebook you will achieve your target.
However, when creating the event, you have to give all the details about the event accurately. The steps below will help you in creating a Facebook event successfully.
Log into your Facebook account
To create a Facebook event, you need to type in your user name and password on the Facebook website. And click on the log in icon.
Creating the event
After you log in, click on the “Event” tab which is third on the column of the “Favorites” column on the top left side of your screen. It is just below your profile pic.
Click on the “+Create” tab
The "+Create” tab is on the top right of your Facebook page. You will find in between the “Today” and “Invites” tab.
Choose the name of the event
Before choosing the name of the event, think carefully. The name that you choose should attract a wide audience.
Define the name of the event in relation to the target audience. The name you choose actually affects the attendance.
Here are tips you can use in choosing the name of your event.
* Simplicity: Do not overdo the name of the event. Keep it short and straight to the point. For instance, if you tell your friends you are inviting them for the bash of the century, they may be turned off.
* Clarity: The most important thing is making sure that people understand the theme of your event. For instance, if you are celebrating your birthday, let your friends know. If you are intending to make your event a surprise, let your friends know.
Add more details concerning your event
The details you give affects the perception of your guests about the party.
Thus, you should ensure that you set the right tone. Tell your guests what you expect from them.
If you are inviting them for a talk, make sure you inform them so that they can be sober. Tell people about the event so that they can know what to wear.
If you want people to look official let them know. If you want your friends to come with gifts let them know so that they may not feel inadequate.
Choose and add the location of the event
Make sure you give the exact address of the place where the event will be held.
If it is in your house do not assume that your guests know the address, give it to them just in case.
If you are not comfortable putting your address on Facebook, you can send it to them via email or text.
Add the time and date of the event
Before setting the date, you need to put some factors into considerations such as will it be suitable for your friends. Tell your guests when the party will start. Make sure you have a set program so that you do not start the party too early.
You can even send the program to your guests so that they may be fully prepared. Look in your timeline and Facebook to ensure that your party does not collide with other parties that most of your guests are attending. Additionally, check your calendar to ensure your event does not collide with major events and holidays.
Choose the friends to invite
The key to having a good event depends on the type of guests you invite. If you need to have close friends let the guests list be as clear as possible. Consider who you want to be there as well as whom you want to avoid.
* Invite people who you are sure will come: Consider the location of the people you are inviting to the party and if they will have the means to come to your event. The importance of the event will also determine the people who will come. For instance, if it is a Birthday party it is advisable to invite close friends.
* Consider transportation for your guests: If they are near you, pick them up. Make sure that you know the people well. At some point, you will be required to introduce some of your friends. Make sure you that know them by their names to avoid embarrassment.
* Have a manageable guests list: Consider the location of your event. If it accommodates few people, do not invite a thousand friends. When you invite too many friends and they all show up you will have a problem. The kind of event determines the guests that you are supposed to invite. For instance, if you are inviting people to a rock concert or book launch, you can invite as many people as possible. You can invite anyone to this event if you do not know them. Through the event, you will socialize with the people and meet them. Hence, you create more networks. Invite a variety of friends who come from different walks of life.
* Set up the privacy setting for your event.
After setting the date, you need to select the option on “Guests can invite friends”. If your guests can invite friends make sure you select that option. If you do not want guests to invite their friends, you can leave that option. You can also select the friends to invite one by one. However, the nature of your event highly determines the kind of guests that you need to invite.
Press “Create” and there you go, you have created an event!
Now you can sit back and wait and see which guests will promise to attend your event. Also, look at their comments and suggestions.
Facebook Ads
Facebook is one of the social media platforms that offers an easy way to start a targeted ad campaign. Facebook ads are highly profitable. As a company or organization, you do not need to invest a lot of money creating an ad on Facebook.
You can reach a wide audience when you create ads on Facebook. Campaigns on Facebook are easier to monitor than pay-per-click. They are also cheaper than traditional media ads. Through Facebook, you have the opportunity to get more viewers to your website and most importantly, acquire more customers.
Below is a step by step procedure on how to set up a Facebook ad campaign.
Step 1: Login to your Facebook Account
On the upper right-hand corner of your screen, click “Create Adverts” in the dropdown arrow.
If you have a business Facebook page, link up the page to the campaign ad.
Step 2: Choose the objective of your ad
There are different options that you will get when you click the “Create Adverts” option.
The most common option you can use on an ad campaign is “Send people to your website”. However, choosing the option will depend on the objective of your ad.
Step 3: Insert the URL of your Landing page
The main objective of your Facebook ad is to send people to your landing page.
You need to customize your page so that you can capture your Facebook lead information.
That means you have to create a good call-to-action strategy. Make sure that you play around with your landing page layout and the options to get the best lead conversion.
Then click the activated “Continue” button.
Step 4: Choose your demographic and graphic parameters
A Facebook ad will allow you to narrow your ad demographics. It gives you the chance to select the region in which you want the ad to run. Choose the time zone for your ad.
Step 5: Choose the target audience
Facebook ads allow you to narrow your audience to specific demographics. For your Facebook ad to have an impact, you must ensure you choose the appropriate audience. Select the specific age and gender that you want your Facebook ad to target.
If you want to be more specific, click on the drop down arrow below languages to get more options. Through that, you will ensure you target the right audience.
Step 6: Choose the interest of your audience
One of the good things of Facebook ads is that they allow you to target your audience according to their interests.
This increases the likelihood of your ad being shown to the right audience. The interest ensures that your audience is segmented in the right way.
Step 7: Select the behaviors of your target audience
While using Facebook ads, you can target your audience according to their behaviors. It is one of the most appealing aspects of the Facebook ads.
Make sure you verify this information to make sure that you get the targeted audience. Your target audiences have a certain behavior which you can predict.
So ensure that you select the behavior of your audience in relation to the goods or services that you want to promote.
Step 8: Explore the other options
Click on the drop down arrow known as “connection” just below the behavior icon. It gives you more options to target your audience.
It is an option to use the connections. However, you can use it to make sure that you are more specific for your audience. In some of the Facebook ad types, you will be required to use it.
So familiarize yourself with all the options available in the “connections” icon.
Step 9: Set your ad bid and budget
To make sure that your ad reaches your target audience effectively, you need to pay some cash. You will not get Facebook ads free of charge. Thus, you need to ensure that you have a budget to guide you in making the right decision.
You get two options on the budget. It can either be daily or a lifetime budget. Additionally, set a schedule when you would like your ad to run.
The cost of the ad will be determined by your geographical area. You will need to monitor this section on a daily basis so as to set the right ad budget. Monitor this area well and adjust it effectively.
Step 10: Choose a stock photo or upload your ad
With Facebook ads, you are in a position to add images and videos. Videos grab the attention of the target audience. Images also play a big role in grabbing the attention of the audience. Use of a text only ad cannot easily grab the attention of the target audience. You have the opportunity to upload multiple images that explain more about your company’s ad.
If you do not have your own images, you can choose one from the options provided. The choice of your image can lead to the success of your campaign. Make sure that you have the best image or video to attract your target audience. Get professional advice on this stage.
Step 11: Give more details about your ad
After you have the image and video, you need to give more details about your ad. Write down captions to give more details that cannot be easily explained by the image or video.
This will include the headline, link description, body, text, and call-to-action button. Make sure that the details are accurate and informative. It is advisable to remove the partners for you to save money.
Step 12: Place your order!
When you set everything, cross-check and ensure that all the details are correct. Afterwards click the “Place order” icon. The order will go to review and will be launched shortly. If there are issues with your ad, Facebook support will alert you to alter it. If there are no issues, your ad will go live immediately. Once you post your ad; make sure you check your ad constantly to check its progress.
Facebook Audiences
The Facebook audiences feature allows business managers to reach people who matter to them. With this feature, business managers can create and save audiences to reach a large group of people who are interested in their business activities.
This chapter highlights the essentials of Facebook Audiences and how business managers can use the feature to their benefit.
Getting started
You can access the Audiences feature on Facebook by clicking on the drop-down menu.
Once the drop-down menu appears, click on the Manage Ads option.
The Ads Manager will load. Click on the Tools drop-down menu and select Audiences.
You can choose to create: Custom audiences, Lookalike audiences and Saved target groups.
Creating Custom Audiences
Facebook allows you to create a conventional audience to target the best people for your business. The process involved in creating your custom audience is secure, and the details about your customers are kept private.
A custom audience could include:
* Customer list: a customer list allows a business manager to match emails, phone numbers, mobile advertiser IDs, or Facebook user IDs to people who are on Facebook.
* Website traffic: this feature allows you to create a list of people who visit your website or some pages of your website.
* App activity: you can create a list of people who have taken specific actions in your app or game.
Adding customers to your audience
You can add customers to your audience through one of the following ways:
* Uploading a file that contains email addresses, Facebook user IDs, phone numbers, or mobile advertiser IDs.
* Copying and pasting emails, phone numbers, mobile advertiser IDs, or Facebook user IDs of your customers.
* Importing from MailChimp, a third-party email service that allows you to import a customer list.
The simplest way you can create your Facebook audience is by uploading a file that contains the details of your customers. This is quite easy and important, especially if you wish to target a large group of people on your mailing list.
* Uploading contact files
Facebook allows you to upload contact files saved in .csv and .txt formats. These files can include records that exist on separate lines or in a continuous list that is separated by commas.
Once you upload your file, Facebook will alert you of any errors in your file. If your file has errors, you can choose to either upload a new file or continue uploading the current file.
If your upload is successful, a page similar to the one shown in the screenshot below will appear.
The uploaded audience in the file can take up to 30 minutes to be ready for use. Facebook will notify you when your audience is ready for use. The Audience Manager also allows you to check the status of your audience.
Creating a Lookalike Audience
After creating your Custom Audience, Facebook allows you to create a Lookalike Audience. This type of audience allows you to reach new people who are very similar to the custom audience you created.
When creating a Lookalike Audience, you are required to select a source and a country before choosing any other optimization options.
Once you choose your source and preferred country, Facebook will provide you with an estimated number of people your lookalike audience is likely to be. You can choose your source depending on the custom audience you created, a conversion tracking pixel or page.
Once you click on Create Audience, you will see a page similar to the one shown below.
Facebook will provide you with a summary of your audience details, as well as their history.
Creating a Saved Audience
Facebook also allows you to create a saved audience for your future reference.
To create a Saved Audience, you will be required to add:
* An audience name: provide a simple, relevant, and memorable name to the audience list that you wish to create and save. If the list is meant for your business customers, it would be best if you provided an audience name that matches the business.
* Custom audiences: the custom audiences section allows you to create a new custom list or browse from the lists you created earlier.
* Locations: you can enter one or more countries, counties, regions, cities, ZIP/postal codes, Designated Market Areas, or addresses. These demographics will allow you to either show or exclude your ads to people in those locations. Nonetheless, Facebook does not provide location targeting to all countries.
While targeting a specific geographical region, Facebook is unable to include the radius of addresses or cities that extend into the neighboring countries.
Also, when choosing a location, you can include or exclude:
* Everyone in the location.
* People who live in the location.
* People recently in the location.
* People traveling to the location.
* Age: you can select the minimum and maximum age of the people who will find your Ad relevant. Make your target precise and specific to limit your audience and present your Ad to relevant people only.
* Gender; choose ‘All’ unless your ad targets men and women differently.
* Languages; you can leave this option blank unless your audience uses a language that is not common in the location you have chosen.
* Interests: Facebook can help you reach a specific audience by looking at their interests, the Pages they like, activities, and closely related topics. You can combine several interests to expand the reach of your Ad.
* Behaviors: you can reach more people based on their intents, purchase behavior, and device usage, among other options. Some behavior data is only available to certain audiences.
* Connections: with Connections, you can reach people who have a specific kind of connection to your Page, event, or App. Choosing specific connections will narrow your audience to include people that have that specific connection.
You can also create your saved audiences by limiting the reach with demographics such as:
* Relationship.
* Education.
* Work.
* Home.
* Ethnic Affinity.
* Generation.
* Parents.
* Politics.
* Life events.
Once you have created your Facebook Audiences, you can use them to target people who are inclined to purchase from your business.
Facebook Pixels
Facebook Pixels (conversion tracking), is a feature suitable for e-commerce business managers who are struggling to drive traffic to their websites. The feature could also be useful for business managers using Facebook Advertising. With Facebook Pixels (conversion tracking) you will be able to determine whether your advertising efforts are bringing in real revenue.
This chapter discusses how to create the pixel as well as the benefits of Facebook Conversion Tracking for your e-commerce business.
Before learning how to create the pixel and using it to the benefit of your business, it is imperative to understand some of the basic terms you will encounter in the process. Some of the terms include:
* Conversion: A conversion can be represented by any action that your target audience takes on your Facebook page or website. Such actions may involve registering, adding a few items to the shopping cart, checking out, or just viewing a particular page on your website.
* Conversion Tracking: The ability of a business manager to measure the return on investments of their Facebook Ads. Business managers can achieve this by tracking whether their Facebook Ads are leading to website conversions.
* Conversion Pixel: It represents a section of code that you receive from Facebook and place on any page of your website. Any users visiting that page from Facebook initiate the pixel. Thus, their traffic can be traced back to the Ad on Facebook.
The conversion tracking pixel tool allows you to create a JavaScript code that is placed on your website. Whenever the code is used, it places a pixel image on the website. The image sends back a message to Facebook whenever someone either visits or takes action on the website. You can place the JavaScript code on any page you wish to track.
With conversion tracking, it is also possible to show your ads to people who have a high likelihood of converting off of Facebook.
Creating a Conversion Pixel
To create a Conversion Pixel on Facebook, go to your profile page and click on the little arrow.
A drop down menu will appear. Once it appears, click on Manage Ads.
Click on the Tools menu and a drop down list will appear. Click on Conversion Tracking
Click on Create Pixel
Accept the Facebook terms of service in the pop-up window that comes up next.
Choose the type of action you want to measure
While creating Pixels, Facebook allows you to choose the type of action you want to measure on your website. Some of the actions you could choose from include:
* Checkouts.
* Registrations.
* Leads.
* Key Page views.
* Adds to Cart.
* Other Website Conversions.
Pixel name
Provide a name for your pixel. If you don’t provide one, Facebook generates an automatic name depending on the type of action you want to measure and your Facebook username. Nonetheless, you could change the name to a simplified one that you can remember easily.
Once you have filled in the details, click on ‘Create Pixel’. You will receive the response shown below.
View Pixel Code
Once Facebook has created your pixel code, you can either view it or request Facebook to email the code. Click on the ‘View Pixel Code’ and you will see a page similar to the one shown below.
Adding the Pixel to your website
To install and add the pixel to your website:
* Place the code between the <head> </head> in the code of your webpage that you wish to track. Important: Make sure that you add the pixel code on the page where conversions take place.
* Assign a new value to the conversion event. Even though this step is useful, it is not mandatory either. The default value assigned to the pixel code is 0.00. You can edit this value to reflect the true value of the conversions that have a meaning for you. To change the value, check through the code, and you will see a code similar to the one shown below:
[window._fbq.push(['track', '6034326215723', {'value':'0.00','currency':'USD'}]);]
Change the value 0.00 to your desired conversion value.
Verifying your Pixel
Once you create your Pixel, its status will remain as unverified until you have your first conversion. Ensure you install your pixel correctly so that it can record a conversion event. This way, it will become verified, and you will begin using it better.
Use your pixel to optimize your advertisements
After placing the tracking code on your website, it is imperative to start creating ads. When creating your ads, select website conversions as your main advertising objective.
A drop-down box will appear for you to select the name of the conversion pixel you would like to use in your ad. Alternatively, you can also create a new pixel. Set up your ad targeting and choose Bid for website conversion in the Bidding and Pricing sections.
Important: Facebook can track conversions for ads that occur within one, seven and 28 days after a visitor clicks on the ad. It can also track the conversions within one, seven, and 28 days after someone views an ad.
Measuring your conversion
Once you have created your ads, you will see the relevant columns in the Adverts View section of your Adverts Manager. These columns will be useful in helping you monitor your conversions.
The conversions may include the Results (conversions received) and Cost (cost per action). The information in the columns links directly to the ads found within the ad set and campaign that you created under the Website Conversion section.
The data will help you track the impact the Facebook pixels have on your campaign. Some of the conversions you will be tracking with Facebook Pixels may include sign-ups, page views, leads, and sales.
Sharing Conversion Pixel
To share your conversion pixel, go to the Conversion Tracking tab located in your Adverts Manager. Click the drop-down menu in the Actions column and select Share Pixel. Enter the account ID of whomever you want to share the conversion pixel with. But, keep in mind that the person must have an active Facebook account.
Chapter IV: The Top 10 Facebook Automation Tools.
You want to use Facebook Marketing strategies to succeed in your business, but don’t know how to manage and optimize your Facebook newsfeed and ads. Here are some tools that can ensure your success is one step closer and assist you in having complete control of your Facebook presence.
HootSuite is the finest social media management tool for small-scale to average size businesses with an inclusive social media dashboard. With HootSuite, you can link more than 35 social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, YouTube, Yammer and LinkedIn etc.
This tool assists you in merging your social media advertising strategies with a global marketing approach to boost your brand awareness and return of investment.
HootSuite assures that you will get the right prospective customers in order to achieve quality leads, repeat customers and shorten the sales funnel process. You can add acceleration and swiftness to your Facebook advertising strategies.
It consolidates your workflow and provides phenomenal social customer service to solve your customers’ problems. You can also get analytics for your social presence to optimize it in a positive manner. It offers free, Pro ($8.99/month) and enterprise plans.
SocialOomph enables you to boost your social media presence and outcome. This social marketing tool works best with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, blogs, etc. It helps you line up your posts, tweets for a complete day and reveals potential customers to follow.
This automation tools allows you to work with multiple Facebook accounts to increase your skills. It lines up your posts, group updates, visual content and wall updates to save you time, increase efficiency and productivity.
SocialOomph provides you secure access to connect with your Facebook. You can also post self-destructing updates on your business page that work for a limited time.
SocialAdsTool is a Facebook Advertising Partner that will assure your Facebook Marketing success. This tool provides straightforward optimization techniques that includes intelligent conversion pixels to attain your objectives.
With it, you can learn compelling and exclusive Facebook marketing insights to measure your success and optimize your campaign. This automation tool offers you an easy to set up Facebook marketing campaign with world class customer support.
SocialAdsTool’s page booster can enhance your Facebook page engagement. You can also use biddings to optimize ads, day-part scheduling, conversion tracking, and ad integration with detailed analytics. You can also manage your Facebook marketing campaign on a mobile app.
Qwaya is a great automation tool for Facebook Marketing.
If you are not getting results with your existing marketing strategies, you can opt for Qwaya. This tools assists you to segment your prospective audience, optimize Facebook ads, Line up campaigns, manage your budget, and offers complete analytics.
This tool utilizes ad scheduler and ad rotation to line up your Facebook ads and use variations of the ads for your Facebook campaign, URL builder and ad templates to save time.
It supports a multiuser platform so you can work with your colleagues at the same time.
Qwaya uses split testing for both audience and ads to determine the best quality of leads and optimizes your ads. It delivers graphic and detailed reports to analyze your success.
AdEspresso allows you to analyze every aspect of your Facebook Marketing campaign.
This automation tool enables you to examine various ad titles, content and images to design combinations in order to optimize your Facebook Marketing campaign.
It makes targeting your potential customer so easy with split testing. You can also engage your current customers and create long lasting connections in order to maintain your relationships with your audience.
AdEspresso gives you the complete control to choose the place and timing of your ads. With it, you get visual and action analytics with excel reporting. If you are working with numerous campaigns, you can see what is working and what is not working to change the performance of your campaign.
It enables you to build custom audiences to re-engage your existing customers to boost the performance of your Facebook marketing strategies. Lookalike audiences can also help you extend your reach. To test it, you can opt for a demo.
Simply Measured
Simply Measured provides the finest analytics solutions for your Facebook marketing strategies. With this tool, scrutinizing social media networks becomes easy. Insights are conveyed into the form of excel reports and PowerPoint.
This automation tool give a complete overview about your conversions, potential audience, and rivals around all social networks. It helps marketers boost the results of their Facebook marketing efforts.
Specifically for Facebook, it provides a zero cost Facebook fan page, Facebook insights and Facebook content analysis of the statistics of your fan page to optimize it in a positive way. It also offers Google, Twitter, Instagram and Vine analysis at no extra cost. There are three plans provided by Simply Measured: Social ($500/month), Professional ($800/month), and Enterprise ($200/month).
Edgerank Checker
Socialbakers acquired Edgerank Checker to work with Facebook's newsfeed. Edgerank Checker examines the actions that are performed on your Facebook posts such as likes, shares, comments, etc., in order to get great results with your newsfeed posts.
Edgerank Checker also assists you in expanding your reach and connecting with your potential audience by using its complete and candid analytics via Newsfeed. It researches when your customers visit Facebook to build timing strategies.
You can keep an eye on your competitors' marketing strategies and get real time analysis. Edgerank Checker also enables you to know the engagement, clicks, impressions, virality and reach of every post and works to diminish negative feedback on your Facebook page. Pro is $90/month and a free plan is available.
Socialmotus is an automation tool used to monitor your entire social media presence on one platform. You can take advantage of its 8 features to analyze, optimize and expand your brand reach.
Social management is used to manage Facebook and Twitter accounts and followers. Social Monitoring finds those audiences who are talking about your brand and keeps an eye on your brand 24 X 7. It also refines your comments and communications. Social Publishing lines up the updates and posts them in just one click across all social networks.
Social Discovery and Engagement assists you in discovering your prospects, quickly responds to your audience and inflates your connections by increasing engaging content. Real-time Feeds and social analytics examine your Facebook Marketing campaign results. Conversion Tracking helps you track and optimize your ROI. Socialmotus plan costs $15 per month per user.
Agora Pulse
Agora Pulse is a simple Social Media Automation tool to manage Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in one place. Its free Facebook marketing tools are: Facebook Page Barometer, to stay on the top of the most recent trends, Timeline Contest Manager enables you to post contests (sweepstakes, quizzes, and image contests) on your Facebook timeline, Facebook Marketing University teaches you the marketing strategies of Facebook.
With the Inbox zero feature, you will never miss any posts or updates. Agora Pulse provides you with an entire and in-depth analysis of your Facebook campaign with great customer support. You can also take advantage of the Facebook app to build a list of high quality leads.
This tool also allows you to see your competitors’ strategies in order to optimize your campaign. Agora Pulse plans are Micro ($29/month), Small ($49/month), Medium ($99/month) and Large ($199/month).
Crowdbooster is the Facebook tool which helps improve your presence on social media.
It works on Facebook pages in real-time to provide you data which makes your reporting quicker. This includes number of likes, comments, shares, retweets, replies, reach, followers, and more.
The dashboard creates beautiful graphs and tables for you that are editable. You can export to CSV, then put your non-customized data in your own custom reports. It also enables marketers to schedule their Facebook posts for the optimal time to engage your fans and followers.
Crowdbooster helps engage fans and followers. They provide you audience insights, suggests who you should engage with, and how to improve the content. For marketers, it is available in 4 plans for you to choose from. These plans are Gold ($119/month), Silver ($49/month), Bronze ($9/month) and Platinum (custom).
Chapter V: The 10 do’s you have to apply.
Over a billion people use Facebook every month. Facebook marketing is considered an effective method of advertising and targeting customers to increase brand loyalty.
For this, you should provide content that is unique, creative and is able to engage your targeted audiences so that you receive potential customers.
While doing Facebook marketing one must consider the following do’s, so that you can run beneficial marketing which can convert targeted audiences into potential customers.
1. Follow the 80/20 rule for posts
The 80/20 rule for posts should be remembered while posting anything on your wall. While posting, play with the mixture of 80/20 to get the best results.
Keep 20% of the content relevant to the products or services of your brand. 80% of the posts made by you should be social, but relate to your brand and the targeted audience.
2. Revert your customers as soon as possible
Have great customer service to give the best experience. Facebook allows you to connect with your customers and answer their questions without signing into another account.
Facebook's wall, forum, status updates and other features let you communicate and solve their technical and other questions, post new product upgrades or offer an FAQ section. Even your fans can answer each other’s questions and communicate through this.
3. Establish your fan following organically
Don’t force your followers to share your page with others in order to gain more audience. By doing this, click rates increase which may lead to lower conversion because many of them have no interest in it.
Motivate your followers to share with those who can be your potential customers. Promote yourself by saying that they can find you on Facebook.
4. Update once or twice each day
Being active on social media is good, but being over active can hamper your social image. Post updates only once or twice a day. Posting too much information about your brand can make your fans stop following you.
There are chances that your post may get lost in the timeline of your follower because they may not get some important information.
5. Ask questions and use engaging content
Posts that include questions are 92% more likely to receive comments as compared the simple posts on a news wall. You should upload content that is a little engaging.
These types of posts grab the user's attention to your page. Posts having questions at the end receive 15% higher overall interaction. These types of posts receive higher comment rates as compared to the posts that have questions in the middle of the post.
6. Provide a giveaway
Providing a giveaway is a new trending concept in the field of marketing. It means running various contests, promotions and sweepstakes to engage your customers and increase followings.
A contest with tempting prizes is enough by itself to drive targeted traffic to your site. As a Facebook marketer, you should not miss a single chance to initiate an increase in sales and customer engagement.
7. Request for feedback
The comments that receive the most posts on Facebook are the ones which are posted in the form of question. Ask your follower to comment on it, listen and see what they reply. Request a reply from your targeted audience and have them give you feedback about the uploaded content.
This feedback will help you see the usefulness and popularity of your content. It also helps in judging which type of content your users are finding more engaging.
8. Take advantage of visual content
Facebook marketing has created many ways of attracting traffic to your page. You can post photos and videos related to your products and services.
If you are situated locally, then you can post photos of your employees and the events you organize. This will create an impact on your targeted audiences. Motivate your targeted customers to share them so that more audiences can reach you.
9. Show your personality
Don’t post dull and uninteresting posts on your wall because it will bring you the same. You have to present your product and services efficiently and in an attractive manner so that they can bring more targeted customers to you.
Adopt ways of engaging your audience so that your page drives a lot of traffic. Show your content excitedly so that it is adopted by the audience easily.
10. Use checklists
Make checklists so that you can complete all your tasks that have been planned for creating brand loyalty. Before posting, have a look over the strategies of your competitors and do it better than them.
Try to use content that is engaging and relevant according to your brand so that it can drive targeted traffic to your page and increase your potential customers. Use keywords that are related to your content to increase your CTR.
You can follow the above do’s to increase your brand loyalty while doing Facebook marketing for your brand and increase your targeted customers.
Chapter VI: The 10 don’ts you have to avoid.
Facebook is a growing site that is being used all over the world. Each user spends approximately at least 18 minutes on Facebook daily. Facebook is beneficial for both small and large businesses for marketing their brand in an effective and efficient manner.
There are several things which should be remembered while doing Facebook marketing for promoting your brand. While doing Facebook marketing, look over the following don’ts and try to avoid them to get the best results.
1. Don’t disregard your audience:
You must learn the online behavior and interest of your targeted customers. Facebook marketing campaigns are effective when used for a targeted audience and relevant traffic.
Don’t ever disregard your audience. This may create a negative impact on your brand. It is the best way to know, understand and analyze your customer's behavior. You can characterize your visitors according to the time they spend on your website.
2. Don’t buy likes:
Having high likes on your page is good. It creates a positive image of your brand and helps drive traffic to it. Let your traffic reach you organically. Don’t buy likes. Using false or inorganic likes has many drawbacks.
False likes or fans can cause low user engagement for you. If less people engage with your content, it will make your brand appear fewer times in their news feed.
3. Don't write fake comments:
When anything is posted on your wall, you expect that the content will engage users so that you can receive high conversion rates. Always post engaging content so that it receives a lot of comments on it.
But, writing Fake comments will be a disservice. Fake comments from fake user ids are easy to recognize and decrease your quality leads.
4. Don't try to sell:
Don’t post advertisement of your products, services or your brand excessively. By doing this, you can miss the important leads. Posting frequently can make your users move from your page quickly without seeing your posts.
Over posting can distract your followers, which will decrease your sales and ROI.
5. Don't write long posts:
Nobody loves to read long posts to learn the information the post is giving. Try to keep your posts short and precise. Posts that are short engage users easily. Keep your customers updated by providing them useful links through your post.
Your post should be informative, precise and short, so that followers go through it properly and it doesn't get ignored, unlike long posts.
6. Don't automate everything:
Automaton of content is beneficial if done correctly. You can follow the 80/20 rule while automating things.
In this, 20% of the content should be automated and may include sales and broadcast posts. 80% of your content should be unique and specific about the brand.
Nobody likes to get messages and responses to their questions from an auto responder, and people won't be interested in your brand. For building brand loyalty, don’t automate everything.
7. Don't target everyone:
Don’t target everyone while promoting your brand. Targeting everyone brings higher traffic to your page, but many will be of no use to you. Sort your targeted audiences and communicate with them accordingly.
Targeting specific audiences helps in getting quality leads. It also improves brand awareness, drive sales and increases ROI.
8. Don't forget to include a call to action:
A call to action helps convert your targeted customers into the potential buyers. You can include engaging texts and words to engage your audiences. Don’t forget to include them.
They drive traffic to you. Make content that can be shared and that relates your brand. Don’t hesitate in using CTA and sharing it. Try to create curiosity for the audience so that they click on it to explore it more.
9. Don't create only one campaign:
If you are involved in more than one business and want to market your brand, then run more than one campaign. Having a common campaign for all your products and services will not drive you the desired results and traffic for the campaign.
You should run different campaigns for different products or services. It will help you capture potential customers according to their interest.
With this, you should be able to manage all your marketing campaigns. It also helps increase conversion rates and revenue.
10. Don't send mass messages:
Not every user will look at all your messages. Your subject line should be clear enough to the user so that they get an idea about the message from the subject line itself. Be clear while writing the subject line and be precise about it.
Avoid general brand messaging and announcements. These can distract your targeted customers. Be specific about the content you are sending through messages and know the impact of the message.
Chapter VII: Shocking Facebook Marketing Case Studies.
Hyundai Motor America is a wholly owned subsidiary of Hyundai Motor Company, Korea.
Its automobiles are delivered around the entire United States.
The company wanted to deliver its promotional messages for the Hyundai Sonata and Hyundai Elantra (condensed or mid-size vehicle) to expand its market potential and grab the attention of its prospective customers.
Hyundai took advantage of Facebook’s Datalogix-Polk Partner to segment prospects and designed a persuasive lower-funnel strategy. The company utilized Facebook ads and ran domain ads to drive customers and get in-store sales.
With the effective promotions, the cost per site conversion was decreased 55%, and a 2.1 times increase in sales of cars realized.
Toyota Hybrid motorists are the most convinced car owners. But according to the ‘kaizen’ principles, things can be better to create a bond between drivers and Toyota cars.
The objective of Toyota was to envision a brand new Facebook campaign to commemorate this distinctive relationship and create leads at the same time with real people.
Toyota used the Facebook pages, ads, and apps to get in store sales and generate brand awareness.
Within one moth of the campaign, there were more than 250 Try My Hybrid ambassadors. 1,100 leads were produced after 3 weeks of the advertising campaign which was 10X the standard number of signups at Toyota’s website and they got the Facebook Studio Gold Award for their artistry.
SAP is a global software company that creates software for businesses to control professional operations and manage client relationships. The aim of SAP was to permit the sharing of multi-cultural instructions across the company initiated in Latin America.
The company has four Facebook pages in different languages with 20% advertising content and 80% unique and appealing content. They created strategies to gather prospective audiences, target them and engage them to get a measured outcome.
In one year, with the help of Facebook and other social media, SAP achieved amazing results. There was an increase of 900% in fans with more than 100,000 followers. Interaction and engagement was enhanced by 17% and 15% respectively with more than 12,000 visitors.
Domino’s Pizza
Domino’s pizza is an American eatery and worldwide franchise pizza delivery corporation located in the United States.
For its 51st birthday, Domino’s wanted to increase their fan base, extend their reach, and boost brand awareness in global markets.
To get sales and improve brand awareness, Domino’s used a Facebook page, Page publishing, ads, Newsfeed and apps features. They also took advantage of RSVP and special deals.
On International Domino’s day, 542,000 people clicked on their local ordering website across the globe. It was a record braking day for online sales and likes on its fan page. There was a 30% boost in sales for that specific day in the UK.
Salesforce launched in 1999 with a vision to revive the customer relationship management (CRM) in the cloud. This company is claiming more than 1 billion actions every day. It help companies sell, assist and advertise more efficiently.
The company worked in three steps. At first, they started with a lower budget to test the potential market. After testing, they set expanded goals and when they got good results, they defined Salesforce as their prime lead generation channel.
They utilized Facebook ads, Desktop newsfeed and Facebook marketing partner to generate low cost, quality leads.
Salesforce achieved 3.5 times more qualified leads, 50% lower cost per lead, and over 24,000 new followers to its fan page.
Friso Mexico
Friso Gold is an excellent nutrient brand for children which was only known by its clients in Mexico for its powerful medicinal advertising program. They realized that a TV campaign and no ATL advertisement were too high-priced. The company prime objective was to boost brand awareness among their audience instead of sales, because people knew about its products.
The company worked with Facebook Pages, Page Publishing, and Facebook Ads. They read and answered every comment to boost their communications and took an always-on approach to nurture relationships with its customers.
Within only 14 months, it became the number one child nutrition page, with a 27% boost in sales using Facebook activities and had an 11 times greater reach than television.
HubSpot is an inbound software company assisting businesses and marketers in generating lower cost, quality leads. Its mission is to create a more inbound world.
Although HubSpot is superior in unconventional and creative technologies, it still wanted to increase its brand awareness in the business-to-business zone on Facebook to drive prospective audiences to its Facebook page to connect and produce high quality leads.
The company created a fan page. To increase likes, it motivated its segmented audience with attractive and informative content on its Newsfeed, and got help from Facebook ads to promote its services.
At the end of the Facebook campaign, HubSpot saw a 71% boost in sales, 15% increase in ROI, and 39% growth in traffic.
State Bicycle Co.
State Bicycle Co. is an established bicycle manufacturer who designs highly featured, single-speed, fixed gear bicycles and accessories in various colors and size. This bicycle company wanted to raise its fan engagement and brand awareness to increase sales from its website.
The company utilized Facebook ads to get online sales and ran an image contest on its page to engage more audience.
At the end of the campaign, State Bicycle Company’s results were amazing. There was a huge increase of $500,000 in online sales, 12% of its website traffic was from Facebook, and followers grew 10X in 12 months.
Castle Auto Group
Castle Automotive Group is an association of family-owned franchise businesses that serve Chicago. The primary goals of this company is to attain customers from its local market, grow its leads base and build brand perception.
The automobile companies took advantage of Facebook Pages, Page Publishing, Facebook Ads, desktop news feed, and custom audiences by posting viral content and special deals to engage and discover new customers and boost in store sales.
With Facebook Marketing strategies, Castle Automotive Group achieved a 24 times return on advertisement spend for a buy-1-get-1 free oil replacement offer with a 9% recovery rate. They saved 75% over direct-mail marketing and the customer match rate was 57% using custom audiences.
Banvitburada.com launched in 2013 with an online presence establishment movement of Banvit. It is among the top meat producers of Turkey. The recent online store presents fast and accessible services with quality product direct to your door.
This meat production company aimed to utilize Facebook marketing to enhance brand awareness as an online retailer and boost online sales.
The Banvitburada.com created a Facebook page to connect with a prospective audience with foodie content. They also took advantage of Facebook ads, custom audiences and lookalike audiences to capture those audiences who have interests similar to its existing audience.
With this 8 week campaign, website traffic was increased 4.75 times, average customer spend grew with 6 times, and membership grew 14 times.
Chapter VIII: How to make tons of money with Facebook as an affiliate.
Facebook is a top social media platform with over one billion people using it every day. The quick flow of information that goes through Facebook each day has a huge potential that an affiliate marketer should take advantage of.
As an affiliate marketer, you can tap into the power of Facebook to spread the awareness of your sites or offers.
This chapter describes how you can use Facebook as an affiliate marketer to sell your products and make tons of money.
Facebook and Teespring
Selling Teespring tees using the Facebook platform is a wonderful match that will provide you with amazing results. Teespring offers just sell amazingly well with Facebook ads. Nonetheless, the process involved too translates into ridiculously low costs involved in acquiring customers.
Before earning tons of money from your Teespring campaigns, you will be required to create your Teespring campaign on the Teespring Website. Once you launch your campaign, you can then use the power of Facebook to promote it to people who are interested in your products.
To make the most out of your Teespring campaign on Facebook:
* Make sure that you target sub-niches that are solely interested in the tee offers you are selling.
* Try split testing your tee designs and audiences to maximize your profits. There are very many split testing opportunities available with Facebook Advertising. Basically, you can test every element of your Facebook Ad including the headline, images, link description, the landing page, and the texts used in your posts.
* Make use of the power of Page Post Engagement option that can be applied to any type of Facebook ad. PPE will allow you to select how you want to bid your Facebook Ads. Creating a PPE for your tees means that you will be allowing Facebook to optimize the delivery of your Ads to people who are likely to like, comment, or even share your ad.
Facebook and CPA
You can promote your CPA offers using Facebook to make tones of money. However, Facebook doesn’t allow for direct linking of Ads to CPA. However, you can use the power of CPA bidding and landing pages to promote your offers.
Consider creating a landing page where all the participants will be required to fill a form with their name, address, email and any other details that might be useful for your CPA offers. The main aim of using a landing page on Facebook is to allow the target users invite their friends, making your ads to go viral.
Design your landing page professionally and in a legit manner and include all the content fields you might require for your campaign. Once you collect the details of your target audience, you can send them personalized emails with links to some of your CPA offers.
Facebook Ads will help you send much traffic to your landing page. This will increase your fan base, improving your chances of converting your huge fan base into reliable buyers of your CPA offers.
Facebook and ClickBank
ClickBank is more of a marketplace that allows product creators and affiliates to make money together without involving themselves in cumbersome paperwork or agreements. You can promote your ClickBank products on Facebook by either building a fan page or utilizing the pixel process.
The two processes can help you engage a large audience and drive much traffic through organic reach. The pixel process is much more recommended since it could help you get about 81 percent more leads and 38 percent more sales from paid traffic.
With Facebook, you can also create a retargeting list that will allow you to reach people who don’t take the offers on your website. The Facebook retargeting list will allow you to send your target audience to an opt in page where they can download any bonuses you have for them.
With Facebook retargeting, you can create unique audiences of people who visit your website and advertise lead magnets directly to them. The retargeting process is fairly simple especially if you add in a little optimization. Once you set up your campaigns right, you will be able to let the campaign run smoothly as people get out of your retargeting list one by one.
Facebook and Amazon
You can share Amazon affiliate links easily on Facebook with a few simple clicks. To share your Amazon affiliate links on Facebook:
* Login to your Amazon Associates account and sign up for the Amazon Associates program. Off course, you must be eligible for your application to be accepted.
* Visit the product page you wish to share on Amazon and check the Site Stripe for your affiliate link.
* Click the Share link and choose Facebook in the dropdown menu that appears.
* Specify that you would like to share your Amazon products on your Facebook page. Add any commentary to the link to meet with the Facebook regulations and share with your audience.
Once you have shared your post, remember to boost your affiliate sales to reach a wider audience.
There are many more other platforms you could use to make tons of money with Facebook as an affiliate. All you need to do is find the right platform and learn how to monetize it effectively.
We’re thrilled that you have chosen to take advantage of our Training Guide, and we wish you amazing success.
And in order to take your Facebook Marketing even farther, we invite you to get the most out of it by getting access to our Live Video Training clicking here (Insert your Upsell offer URL).
Thanks so much for the time you have dedicated to learning how to get the most advantages from Facebook.
Facebook has come to stay in the market forever.
To Your Success,
Monica Bhalla
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